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A metaphor that makes students study harder (I think)

Mar 01, 2024 3 minutes read

I love a good metaphor. A metaphor, in its essence, is a bridge. It connects the familiar to the unfamiliar, making the abstract tangible and the complex understandable. By likening one thing to another, metaphors illuminate our understanding, enrich our language, and expand our ability to perceive and relate to the world around us.

This post contains a metaphor that I use to explain to first-year students what studying in our program looks like. I liken the process of accumulating knowledge to the construction of a dam. I find that it helps me manage students' expectations about their role and the role of the instructors, and maybe, just maybe, makes them study a little harder. Curious what you think about it!

Today, I want to share with you a metaphor that illustrates what it is like to study in this program. You can think of enrolling in this program as starting a project of building a dam.

In this metaphor, the river on which you build the dam represents the constant flow of information, knowledge, and skills that you will be exposed to during your studies. Your main goal, as students, is not merely to let this stream wash over you, but to harness and accumulate it. Your goal is to turn the flow of information into a reservoir of competence that you can draw on later in your career, just as dams harness the power of stored water to generate electricity.

Building a dam is no small feat. It requires significant effort, planning, and perseverance. Similarly, learning and acquiring competencies demand that you process much material - you must delve into papers, engage with complex ideas, and master new skills. There are no shortcuts in this endeavor. Just as a dam builder must pick up a shovel and dig, you too must immerse yourself in the process of learning. This means actively engaging with your studies, practicing what you learn, and continuously pushing your boundaries.

But what role do we, as lecturers, play in this process? Think of us as your seasoned engineers and architects. We cannot build the dam for you; the act of learning is deeply personal and requires your own effort. However, what we can do is guide you in this construction. We show you where to dig - which means guiding you towards the knowledge and skills that are most relevant and meaningful for your future.

We help you understand how deep or how shallow to go in your exploration of subjects, ensuring that your graduate profile is both robust and versatile. Moreover, we teach you the techniques of shoveling, or in other words, how to learn.

Remember, building a dam - like your educational journey - is a process. It will have its moments of challenge and frustration, but also of immense satisfaction and achievement. The reservoir you build will be yours to draw from for the rest of your life, powering your career and enabling you to make meaningful contributions to the world.

As you embark on this journey, I encourage you to embrace the process, engage deeply with your learning, and view us, your lecturers and institution, as partners in your construction project. Together, we will build something remarkable.

Let's pick up our shovels and begin!

This post and image were created with the help of ChatGPT Plus.


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